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  • Feermentis er mest kendt for sine gærtyper til øl og spiritis fremstilling, men har også specifikke gærtypere udviklet til ciderfremstilling, hereunder også ØKOLOGISK certificeret champagne og cider – gær.

    Se datasheet for VR44 BIO økologisk cider og champagnegærher: ØKOLOGISK CIDRGÆR-TDS-EN-SafOEno™-VR-44-ORG


    • Gently pour the desired quantity of yeast in 10 times its weight of tap water at 30-35°C in a wide vessel. Pay attention to cover all the water surface area by creating a thin layer of yeast.
    • Leave to rest for 20 minutes.
    • Gently stir to complete yeast rehydration while avoiding the formation of lumps prior acclimatization.
    • Double progressively the volume of the yeast suspension by adding must from the tank while stirring the mix so that the temperature of the yeast starter decreases and yeast activation starts.
    • Leave to rest for 10 minutes.
    • Homogenize and incorporate the yeast starter in the fermentation tank during a pumping over with aeration.

    SafŒno™ VR 44 BIO


    681,82 DKK

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