400,00 DKK

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Fra IOC’s professionelle og omfattende  produkt portefølje har VinoSigns udvalgt dette gærnæringsprodukt med helt unikke egenskaber ved vanskellige men også helt almindelige vinificeringer. Igen igen er vi imponeret over IOC produkternes professionelle performance: Vi anbefaler derfor brug af —-

ACTIVIT – klassisk komplet gærnæring

Institut de Oenologie de Champagne (IOC) har udviklet dette komplette gærnæringspræparat, der er specielt udviklet til klassisk vinfremstilling.
VinoSigns har specielt udvalgt dette gærnæringsprodukt fra IOC’s professionelle produktportefølje, der opfylder alle krav til komplet gærnæring hos professionelle vinmagere og ønologer

For musts with significant deficiencies and fermentation halts
ACTIVIT is made up of Diammonium phosphate, inactivated yeasts and thiamine.
It therefore supplies available nitrogen, vitamins and acts as a detoxificant.
The proportions of each components are perfectly suited to the treatment of difficult musts with significant deficiencies.



ACTIVIT – Komplet gæring  fra IOC

Dosering: 10-40 g/hL
Tilsættes ved start eller under den første 1/3 af et gæringsforløb for at sikret en effektiv og fuldendt vinificering uden reduktive noter (Bukser forebyggende)


Maximum legally permitted quantity: 60 g/hL


ACTIVIT is composed of ammonium salts, yeast inactivated and thiamin. It is used where alcoholic fermentation has slowed and will maintain fermentation where must nitrogen is deficient.

ACTIVIT provides both ammoniacal nitrogen and amino acid nitrogen which is essential for the multiplication and viability of yeast during fermentation.

It has a two pronged beneficial effect :

• Absorbing the short chain fatty acids which can inhibit fermentation.

• Providing sterols and long chain fatty acids which are essential precursors in maintaining viability of the yeast.

Thiamine is essential for the growth of yeast. A shortage of this vitamin may slow down, or even arrest, fermentation.


Dissolve in ten times its weight in must or wine and add to the juice via a remontage.


• Preventative treatment in must, and treatment during mid-fermentation: – 20 to 40 g/hL.
• To restart a fermentation:
– 40 to 50 g/hL added to the wine prior to yeast addition.


• Bags of 1kg, 5 kg and 25 kg
Store in a dry, odour-free environment at a temperature of between 5 and 25 °C. Once opened the contents should be used immediately.

Datasheet: FT ACTIVIT (EN)

Produktliste til fremstilling af mousserende vine: Fiche-PRODUITS-VINS-EFFERVESCENTS-EN



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