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Fra IOC’s professionelle og omfattende  produkt portefølje har VinoSigns udvalgt dette ØKOLOGISKE gærnæringsprodukt med helt unikke egenskaber ved vanskellige men også helt almindelige vinificeringer. Igen igen er vi imponeret over IOC produkternes professionelle performance: Vi anbefaler derfor brug af —-

ACTIVIT O – økologisk gærnæring

Institut de Oenologie de Champagne (IOC) har udviklet dette komplette gærnæringspræparat, der er specielt udviklet til økologisk vinfremstilling.
VinoSigns har specielt udvalgt dette ØKOLOGISK gærnæringsprodukt fra IOC’s professionelle produktportefølje, der opfylder alle krav til komplet gærnæring hos professionelle vinmagere og ønologer.

For top quality fermentation
ACTIVIT O is a 100% organic balanced nutrient, essential for grapes to express their aromatic potential.



ACTIVIT O  – Komplet ØKOLOGISK gæring  fra IOC

Dosering: 10-40 g/hL
Tilsættes ved start eller under den første 1/3 af et gæringsforløb for at sikret en effektiv og fuldendt vinificering uden reduktive noter (Bukser forebyggende)


100% organic balanced nutrient for top quality fermentation Maximum legally permitted quantity (due to the presence of thiamine): 40 g/hL.


ACTIVIT O is a nutrient made exclusively from organic nitrogen and rich in thiamine. Based on deactivated yeasts, it also provides minerals and other essential vitamins for yeast cultures.

ACTIVIT O therefore aids the regulated growth of yeasts, allowing them to attain a biomass sufficient for full alcoholic fermentation whilst avoiding the occurrence of overpopulation, a source of difficulties during fermentation with the development of sulphurous odours. The physiological condition of each yeast cell is also optimised.

ACTIVIT O also helps the aromatic expression of:
– Fermentation aromas, by directly providing amino acids, sources of fruity and floral esters,
– Varietal aromas, by avoiding any inhibited release of fruity thiols due to an excess of ammonium salts.
In addition, ACTIVIT O limits the production of SO2 sometimes found with the use of ammonium salts and increases the effectiveness of adding sulphites, since the presence of thiamine limits the combination issues.
It may be used for the production of organic wines(1) too, since ACTIVIT O satisfies both the yeast’s nutritional requirements and the wine’s sensorial quality targets whilst also conforming with the spirit of rational and natural winemaking where the science of oenology is used for prevention rather than cure.


• 10 to 40 g/hLdepending on, amongst other things, the assimilable nitrogen in the must, the strain of yeast being used, the concentration of sugar to ferment and the target product.

We generally advise adding ACTIVIT O twice; once immediately after adding the yeast to the must and again at one third of the way through alcoholic fermentation. In cases of significant deficiency, top up with DIAMMONIUM PHOSPHATE (DAP) one third of the way through alcoholic fermentation.

Make a suspension of ACTIVIT O in 10 times its own volume of water or must. After incorporation, thoroughly blend into the must by pumping over or by stirring.

Addition at 1/3 of alcoholic fermentation (drop of 30 to 40 specific gravity points)

ACTIVIT O (20 g/hL) + DAP ACTIVIT 0 (10 à 30 g/hL) ACTIVIT O (10 g/hLpage1image4287546432 page1image4287546736page1image4287547040
– Origin: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, thiamine hydrochloride. – A solid format preparation containing insoluble particles.


• 1 kg bags

Store in a dry place at room temperature, free of odours. Once the bag has been opened, the product must be used quickly and cannot be kept. Once prepared, the product must be used within one day.

Datasheet: FT ACTIVIT O (EN)

IOC økologiske produkter

Produktliste til fremstilling af mousserende vine: Fiche-PRODUITS-VINS-EFFERVESCENTS-EN

Natural winemaking in the Champagne | The Wine Analyst


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