Glutarom EXTRA – 1 kg – Oxidationsforebyggende inaktiveret tørgær med højt glutathione (GSH) indhold- specielt til grundvine og økologiske vine med lavt sulfit-indhold (IOC, Epernay, Frankrig)

575,00 DKK

In Stock

IOC – Institut de Oennologie de Champagne – har udviklet hele to typer GLUTAROM – som er inaktiveret reducerende Glutathione holding tørgær. 

Dette produkt svarer til Lallemand GLUTASTAR (se datasheet her for Glutastar: Lallemand GLUTASTAR) samt Lafforts POWERLEES-LIFE (se data sheet her for Powerlees FP_EN_Powerlees_Life

Læs mere på disse 6 sider om Glutarom virkning og virkemåde samt om udfordringen med at fremstille sulfitfri vin::

GLUTAROM tilsættes druemosten ved gæringen start og er tilsat vinen ned alm indeling til højt Sulfitindhold. Glutarom stabilisere farve, aromastoffer og forebygger landtidsvirkende oxidation ved at forlænge sulfit anti-oxidative egenskabere. Glutarom er rig til peptide glutahthion  der stabilisere anti-oxidation. Glutarom stabilisere også farve og aroma, der ligeledes påvirkes af langsom Oxidation.  Glutaron/Glutastart erstatter ikke sulfit anti-pxidative virkning, men forlænger sulfidets virkning.

IOC Glutarom – Partner S.A

GLUTAROM er til vinen,ed alm indeling til højt Sulfitindhold.
Datablad her og anvendelse og egenskaber samt doserting : FT GLUTAROM (EN)

GLUTAROM EXTRA er specielt beregnet til vine med lavt indhold af sulfit, f.eks. Grundvined til mousserende vin, eller økologiske vine. (se dette produkt nærmere beskrevet på hjemmesiden)
Datablad her og anvendelse og egenskaber samt doserting : FT GLUTAROM EXTRA (EN)




Her er korte beskrivelse på Engelsk om Glutarom Extra: 
Rich in reduced glutathione to anticipate the preservation of wines with low sulphite. GLUTAROM EXTRA is a nutrient resulting from the latest techniques in the selection and production of inactive yeasts with a very high GSH content. If it is added at the beginning of fermentation, in the end it enables you to obtain a wine with a greater concentration of GSH, if the yeast is also correctly fed with organic nitrogen.




RIch in reduced glutathione to anticipate the preservation of wines with low sulphite.


Reduced glutathione (GSH) is a tripeptide that indirectly shows itself to be a powerful antioxidant agent. It effectively reacts with quinones, avoiding agglomeration (which is responsible for the browning of musts and oxidized wines) and the oxidation of aromatic compounds. Even though it is naturally found in grapes, its concentration is often too low to efficiently protect the wine.

GLUTAROM EXTRA is a nutrient resulting from the latest techniques in the selection and production of inactive yeasts with a very high GSH content. If it is added at the beginning of fermentation, in the end it enables you to obtain a wine with a greater concentration of GSH, if the yeast is also correctly fed with organic nitrogen.

If the sulphite concentration is low, the positive effect of this richness in GSH is clear in the aroma, even in red wine.

It has likewise been shown that an addition of inactive yeast rich in GSH can be more efficient for the aromatic content than an addition of pure glutathione, presumably because of the synergies with the nutritional effect of the other yeast compounds.


Dosage: 15 to 30 g/hl depending on the must, the grape variety and the sulphite concentration.
When to add: we recommend adding GLUTAROM EXTRA early, before alcoholic fermentation, for greater efficiency.

Add GLUTAROM EXTRA in suspension in 10 times its volume of water or must. Once added, stir well by pumping over or batonnage.


• Composition: inactive yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae): content in organic nitrogen <9.5% of dry material. • Solid preparation containing insoluble material.



Store in a dry and odour-free place, at a temperature of 5 to 25oC. Once the sachet is open, the product should be used quickly and cannot be preserved. Once prepared, the mixture should be used within the day.

Institut Œnologique de Champagne

ZI de Mardeuil – Allée de Cumières
BP 25 – 51201 EPERNAY Cedex France

Tél +33 (0)3 26 51 96 00

Fax +33 (0)3 26 51 02 20

The information contained in this document is that which we dispose of to the best of our knowledge at this time. Users are still obliged to take their own precautions and carry out their own trials. All current regulations must be scrupulously observed.




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