Malicid – “Dobbeltsalt med L-Vinsyre” – 1 kg/350 kr – Calciumcarbonat tilsat L-vinsyre til afsyring af most, vin og cider (Erbslöh, Tyskland) (Kopier)

437,51 DKK

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Malicid (Erbslöh) er et kombineret afsyringsmiddel til most. juice, frugtvin og vin, der kan nedsætte surhedsgraden og få pH værdien op f.eks. før en malolaktisk gæring, der oftest ikke virker ved pH < 3.2.  Dog er VinoSigns spec ioaliseret i at markedsføre specielle stammer af malolaktiske bakterier, der virker i det sure område, fra pH 2.8 til 3.2Most fra udmodne druerkan have en høj surhedsgrad helt ned til pH=2.8-3.1, f.eks. Vitiflore BL-01 (OenoFrance), InoBacter (IOC, Epernay), samt Viniflora CH-Sparta og CH-11 (Chr-Hansen, Danmark)
Neoanticid (handelsnavn) indeholder calciumcarbonat (renset kridt, E117) og udfælder såvel vinsyre som æblesyre, og kaldes derfor dobbeltsalt.

Vinosigns sælger Malicid (L-Vinsyre E334 og Calciumcarbonatm, CaCO3, renset kalk, E170) i 1 kg pakning.,  

Pris for 1000 gra, = 1 kg er sat til 350 kr plus om ønsker leveres i en hygiejning Kartell plastbeholder med tæt låg med mindre merpris (se billedet).

For anvendelse henvises til Erbslöh’s datablad: ERBSLÔH malicid-technical_data_sheet-english-erbsloeh

For anvendelse af Neoanticid henvises til Erbslöh datablad: ERBSLÔH 003.134.20_Neoanticid_SPEC_EN

For yderligere vejledning henvises til WineMaker Magazin’s beskrivelse: Neoanticid


Malicid (Erbslöh) er et kombineret afsyringsmiddel til most. juice, frugtvin og vin, der kan nedsætte surhedsgraden og få pH værdien op f.eks. før en malolaktisk gæring, der oftest ikke virker ved pH < 3.2.  Most fra udmodne druerkan have en høj surhedsgrad helt ned til pH=2.8
Neoanticid (handelsnavn) indeholder calciumcarbonat (renset kridt, E117) og udfælder såvel vinsyre som æblesyre, og kaldes derfor dobbeltsalt.

Vinosigns sælger Malicid, som er en blanding af L-Tartrat (E330) og specielt rent CaCO3, renset kalk (E117), der anvendes sammen med Neoanticid ( E117) og findes i 1 kg pakning  
Pris for 1000 gram = 1 kg er sat til 350 kr. 

For anvendelse henvises til Erbslöh’s datablad: ERBSLÔH malicid-technical_data_sheet-english-erbsloeh
For yderligere vejledning henvises til beskrivelse: Neoanticid


Her produktbeskrivelsen på engelsk: 

Product description – Malicid®

Special product for enhanced double salt deacidification according to Dr. Würdigpage1image1236857536
Malicid® is a homogeneous mixture of selectively fractionated natural L(+) tartaric acid and special calcium carbonate for double salt deacidification. Calcium carbonate E 170, L(+) tartaric acid E 334, each for food (restricted use).

Malicid® is used as a supplement and in addition to Neoanticid as part of enhanced double salt deacidification. The deacidification is consequently independent of the existing natural tartaric acid content in the juice and wines.

Malicid® consists of accurately dosed proportions of natural L(+) tartaric acid and highly reactive, special calcium carbonate. Expert use of Malicid® as part of the aforementioned special deacidification process results in gentle deacidification of wine without changing the proportions of calcium.

Permitted according to EU Commission Regulation no. 934/2019. User must check compliance with national regulations. Laboratory tested for purity and quality.


The quantity to be used is governed by the total titratable acid and the tartaric acid present in the juice or wine to be deacidified. As customary, the quantity of Neoanticid required for deacidification and the partial quantity to be deacidified can be determined using the Neoanticid calculation table or a deacidification calculator. The calculation formula to be used is detailed below:

Malicid  addition  1,7 x E Ws  RW   E xWs    Gs  2 

Formula symbols:
E = extent of desired deacidification (g/L); WS = Tartaric acid (g/L); RW = Residual tartaric acid (g/L); GS = Total titrable acid (g/L).

According to this formula, the quantity of Malicid® required is obtained in kg/1,000 L. The best effect is obtained if Malicid® is stirred into the total deacidified portion after the first stages of deacidification are completed. This means that dosing of Neoanticid still takes place first (see process diagram). Please note that Malicid® is sprinkled dry, in batches, into the must or wine and must not be slaked with water! The crystals are filtered off after Malicid® has been added and left to react for the appropriate period. The un‐deacidified and partially deacidified portions can be combined again after this process.


Store away from odours and moisture. Packs which have been opened should be immediately tightly sealed

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