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Bordeaux firmaet Laffort’s malolaktiske batterier har betegnelse “Lactoenos B7” og er udviklet til at kunne køre selv meget vanskelige forhold for en malolaction gæring.
Denne vare kun kun fås på bestilling, da holdbarheden er begrænses.

Datablad for Lactoenos B7 ses her: FP_EN_Lactoenos_B7_Direct

En særlig Protocol for vanskelig betingelse kan ses her: PCOL_EN_Reprise_FML_B7 

Kontakt ønolog Carl-Henrik Brogren (20416249) for general rådgivning om malolaktisk behandling, især under vanskelige forhold med højt indhold af sulfit (TSO2>35 ppm) i most/vin, lav pH<3.2, samt ved andre hæmmende factorer, som lav temperatur, tilstedeværelse af Brettanonmyces etc.


Lactoenos B7 malolactisk behandling


Colour …………………………………………………………….. Cream

Coliforms (CFU/g)…………………………………………….. < 102 E. coli (/g) …………………………………………………………. None Lead (ppm)……………………………………………………………. < 2 Mercury (ppm) ……………………………………………………… < 1 Arsenic (ppm)………………………………………………………. < 3 Cadmium (ppm) …………………………………………………… < 1

  • Inoculate as soon as possible. There are several inoculation methods:
    – Early co-inoculation (bacteria inoculation 24 – 72h after the alcoholic fermentation start). In case of grape musts with pH values ≤ 3.4, it is recommended to inoculate the bacteria at a later stage : either late co-inoculation or sequential inoculation- Late co-inoculation (inoculation at 1020 – 1010 density).- Sequential inoculation.
  • Adjust the temperature of the tank to 20°C (68°F). Allow the bacteria bag to warm slowly to room temperature 30 min beforeuse. Open and pour the content of the bacteria directly into the tank. Homogenize anaerobically.
  • Maintain the tank temperature throughout the MLF (at about 20°C/68°F).
  • In hard conditions (sluggish AF, high total SO2, low pH, poor medium or high alcoholic degree) and for a quicker MLF kinetic, add 20 -40 g/hL of MALOBOOST®.
  • Respect the volume of wine indicated on the bacteria dose (2.5 hL, 25 hL or 250 hL).* Rehydration is also an option: Rehydrate the contents of the freeze-dried bacteria in 20 times its weight in non-chlorinated water at 20°C (68°F) for 15 minutes maximum and add to must/wine.STORAGE RECOMMENDATION PACKAGING
    • On reception, keep refrigerated (-18°C/-0.4°F or • Dose for 2.5 hL, 25 hL and 250 hL. +4°C/32°F) in its unopened original packaging.
    • Optimal date of use: 30 months at -18°C/-0.4°F. 18 months at +4°C/32°F.
    • Do not use opened packaging.
    • Unopened sachets of oenological bacteria can be transported and stored for 7 days at ambient temperature (< 25°C/77°F) without any significant loss of activity or efficacy.

CS 61 611 – 33072 BORDEAUX CEDEX – Tél. : +33 (0)5 56 86 53 04 – www.laffort.com

JB – AP – 07.07.23 – The information shown above reflects the current state of our knowledge. It is given without

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