812,51 DKK 731,25 DKK

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Villaris vinplanter er en grøn druesort udviklet ved Julius Kuhn Instituttet i Geiweilerhoff. i lighed med bl.a. sorterne Orion, Phoenix, Felicia, Calardis Blanc

VinoSigns Villaris er en resistent PIWI sort podet på SO4 rod.
Villaris er velegnet til fremstilling af mousserende vin med sit ikke for høj sukkerindhold ved modningen medio oktober.

JKI brochure: Rebsorte-Villaris_

Link to winegrowwr supply i England: http://www.winegrowers.info/vines/home.htm


Vinosigns forhandler kun druesorter, der er PIWI resistente og specielt velegnet til fremstilling af mousserende vin i Scandinavien, så som JKI sorterne Villaris, Felicia, Calerdis Blanc, Calardis Musque, og Freytag sorten Sauvignac, samt Cabernet Noir og Cabernet Blanc.
HUSK: Større partier af planter (>25) og bulk (>100) altid skal forudbestilles året før levering. 

Brands: , Varenummer (SKU): P-02 Kategori: Tags: , ,


Villaris druen er en PIWI sort af grønne druer udvilket på Julius Kuhn Instituttet  (JKI) i Geilweilerhoff i Tyskland. ViniSigns har fået produceret 250 planter af denne sort delvis til egen udplantning, og delvis til salg.






The white grape variety (also Geilweilerhof. 84-21-9) is a new breed between Sirius x Vidal Blanc, By the way, the same parent is also the variety Felicia emerged. They are genes from Vitis berlandieri. Vitis rupestris and Vitis vinifera contain. The crossing of the hybrid was carried out in 1986 by the two breeders Rudolf Eibach and Reinhard Töpfer at the Vine Breeding Institute Geilweilerhof in Siebeldingen-Pfalz. The variety protection was granted in 2004. The variety was a cross partner in the two new varieties Floreal and Voltis, The vine is resistant to both mildews (high and Botrytis (medium to high), which is why they are called PIWI Variety applies. It produces white wines with a subtle acidity that are similar to Pinot Blanc ( Pinot Blanc ) recall. In 2010 was in Germany no inventory recorded yet (Statistics Kym Anderson ).

Villaris - grape and leaf

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