562,51 DKK

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Product description

Bi‐Start Nutri promotes the supply of nutrients to MLF cultures and thereby guarantees the rapid onset of malolactic fermentation through active lactic acid bacteria. Permitted according to EU Commission Regulation no. 934/2019. User must check compliance with national regulations. Laboratory tested for purity and quality.

Bi‐Start® Nutri

Nutrient for malolactic fermentation

Dosage Use

Bi‐Start Nutri is a mixture of deactivated yeast components, rich in alpha‐amino nitrogen (amino acids), cell wall polysaccharides and cellulose.

It is recommended to add 20 g of Bi‐Start Nutri per 100 L wine.
Dissolve the contents of the Bi‐Start Nutri bag in hand‐warm water and add directly to the wine before inoculation with the bacteria culture. Stir carefully as required.

Store in a cool, dry place. Packs which have been opened should be immediately tightly sealed and used within a few weeks.


Erb slöh – bi_start_nutri-technical_data_sheet-english-erbsloehBi-Start Nutri er Erbslöh bud på næringssalte, vitaminer, og tørret gær og cellemambranere, som anvendes for at opnå en mere effektiv, hurtigere og sikrere malolactisk behandling under vanskelige forhold i forbindelse med sure basisvine til mousserende vin fremstilling.

Bi-Start Nutri  tilsættes samtidig med de malolactiske bakterier, hvor Erbslöh’s  foretrukne Oenococcus Oeni stammne til hvidvin og mousserende vinfremstilling kaldes  Bi-Start Fresh SK55 (se dette produkt), og som også forhandsler explicit af VinoSigns

Anvendelse: 20 gram pr. 100 L 

Pakning:  1000 gram = 5000 L vin

Læse mere om anvendelsen af Bi-Start Nutri i dokumentet her:
Erbslöh – bi_start_nutri-technical_data_sheet-english-erbsloeh



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