125,00 DKK 112,50 DKK

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Mange danske vingårde og vinbønder har igennem årene funder frem til denne Lallemand ICV-GRE rødvingær.
Blandt Rondo dyrkere er denne danske Danstar producedere Lalvin ICV-GRE rødvingær meget populær, mens der blandt alternativerne for en egnet Rondo gær, også kan nævnes Lalvin SU6 – påstås at fjerne Rondosmages, samt rødvingøren Lalvin ICV D254, for ikke at glemme den eftertragtede “Institut Oenologie de Champagne” Pinot Noir rødvinsgær “IOC Revelation Terroir”.
VinoSigns fører alle disse gørtyper og en helt del flere, men det største lager af rødvingær er nu en gang netop denne Lalvin ICV-GRE – favoritten.

Lalvin ICV-GRE datasheet her: Lalvin ICV-GRE datasheet

STOR 10% rabet gives ved BULK-køb på mere en 5 pakkerICV-GRE, mens 3 pakker får med 5% rabat.  Spørg på særrabat på 15%ved BULK-køb af flere gærtype samlet.

Se her oversigten over Lallemand-IOCs mest kendte gærtyper og deres særskilte egenskaber og aroma type: Lallemand-Quick-Yeast-References-Chart_2018_LR




Specifications for Lalvin ICV-GRE Yeast

For fruit-forward Rhône-style wines

In 1992, Lalvin ICV GRE™ was selected from the Cornas area of the Rhône Valley. In reds, it contributes up-front fruit to easy-to-drink Rhône-style wines. ICV GRE™ is used with short skin contact regimes (3 to 5 days) to reduce vegetal and undesirable sulfur components in varieties like Merlot, Cabernet sauvignon, Grenache and Syrah. In fruit-focused whites like Chenin blanc, Riesling and Viognier, ICV GRE™ results in stable fresh-fruit characteristics and delivers a big fore-mouth impact. If the fruit maturity is less than optimum, ICV GRE™ is excellent for bringing overall balance to red, rosé and white wines. Rosé wines fermented with ICV GRE™ from more balanced maturity fruit emphasize red fruit and higher volume, and are complemented by blending rosés fermented with Lalvin ICV D21®. For more information please contact our distributor.


  • Selected in the Cornas area of the Rhône Valley in France in 1992.
  • A rapid starter, it can ferment up to 15% (v/v) alcohol with low volatile acidity.
  • In reds, it does well with fresh Rhône style wines with up-front fruit. With short skin contact (three to five days), Lalvin ICV GRETM minimizes the risks of vegetal and undesirable sulfur components.
  • In fruit-focused whites, such as Chenin Blanc, Riesling and Rhône whites, ICV GRE fermentations result in stable, fresh fruit characteristics such as melon and apricot while improving fore-mouth impact.

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