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Fra IOC’s professionelle og omfattende  produkt portefølje har VinoSigns udvalgt dette gærnæringsprodukt med helt unikke egenskaber ved vann skallige men også helt almindelige vinificeringer at hvidvine og rosevine. Igen igen er vi imponeret over IOC produkternes professionelle performance: V i anbefaler derfor brag af —-

VITISTART  gærnæring

Institut de Oenologie de Champagne (IOC) har udviklet dette komplekse gærnæringspræparat, der er specielt udviklet til hvid- og rosevin fremstilling.
Produktet er også særligt velegnet ved gærstop, til at reaktivere en ny gæring under vanskelige gæringsbetingelser.  Produktet er specielt rigt på komponent som gærceller skal bruge til opbygning af cellemembraner (lipider og steroler), men indeholde også alle de vidste vitamin er og vækstfaktirer.

For highly scrubbed white or rosé musts
A complete activator which provides all the elements required for optimum fermentation.
Supplies available nitrogen to multiply yeasts. Supplies available nitrogen to multiply yeasts.
The inactivated yeasts encourage detoxification of the medium and provide vitamins, trace elements and sterols.
The cellulose increases the turbidity and acts as a yeast support.
The thiamine stimulates growth rate.



VITISTART – Bøkser-forebyggende gærnæring
Kompleks gærnæring fra IOC specielt egnet til hvidvin og rosevin.

Dosis: 20-40 g/hL
Genstart gæring: 40-50 g/hL


VITISTART is a fermentation activator which promotes fermentation start-up and provides the elements required for optimal fermentation throughout all the phases of fermentation.

The addition of VITISTART provides the must with the assimilable nitrogen (ammonia nitrogen, ammonium salts and amino acids from the inactivated yeasts) required for yeast multiplication and for maintaining them in activity.

The inactivated yeasts provide vitamins, trace elements, survival factors, sterols and promote detoxification of the medium by adsorbing the fermentation inhibitor compounds (C8 – C10 fatty acids, phytosanitary product residue).

The cellulose increases turbidity in the must and serves as a support for the yeasts. The thiamine stimulates the yeast growth rate and increases the population.


Put VITISTART in solution into 10 times its weight of must or wine to be treated and incorporate at the same time as yeasting; homogenise well.


• On must : from 20 to 40 g/hL.
• At mid-fermentation : from 20 to 40 g/hL. (with aeration to promote sterol synthesis).
• At fermentation restart : from 40 to 50 g/hL to be incorporated into the wine before introducing the yeast starter.


• 1 kg bags
Store in a well-ventilated environment at a temperature between 5 and 25 °C.
The optimal use-by date for VITISTART in its original packaging is indicated on the label.

Datasheet: FT VITISTART (EN)


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