500,00 DKK

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IOC’s PVPP – polyvinyl-polypyrrolidon – er et additiv til mousserende vine, frugtwine og cider, der forebygger  oxidation ved langtidsopbevaring, samt etr klarificering middel, der kan fjerne uønskede polypholiske bitterstoffer i mousserende vinde

PVPP anvendes mest i fremstilling af Champagne,, Prosecco, Cava, og mousserende frugtvin samt i ciderfremstilling. PVPP fås som uopløseligt pulver og som granulat  i pakninger på 100 gram, 1 kg, 5 kg og 10 kg poser. 1 kg pakningen haves på lager.

Maksimal dosering: 80 g/hL, svarende til en anvendelse af-100-800 gram pr. 1000 L

Se IOC PVPP powder databladet her: FT PVPP POUDRE (EN)
Se IOC PVPP granulat datablader her:  FT PVPP GRANULES (EN)







Maximum dose: 80 g/hL


Insoluble polyvinylpolypyrrolidone is a reticulated N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone polymer known more commonly as PVPP. Added to must or wine, PVPP eliminates certain phenol substances responsible for browning or organoleptic deviations in certain wines.
PVPP is insoluble. It fixes the substances responsible for the browning of wines and also fixes certain molecules that add bitterness to the taste of the must or wine.

  • PVPP is recommended :
    • As a preventive : for white wines that may be stored in difficult conditions or for a long time.
    •   As a curative : for wines that are oxidised or taste bitter.
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcsyd0TxxXU
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inQROy-cy_E

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