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En universel vingær fra IOC, der der er lavet som en blanding af 5 forskellige Sacch. cerevesia stammer (Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, og Y5) skal simulere en biodiversitet respekterende gæring.  Også andre producenter laver blandingsgærtyper (Chr-Hansen bl.a. non-sacchoromycis blandinger, Lallemand m.fl.), og efterligner på denne måde naturlige spontane gæringer, uden at indeholde den spontane vildgæringen risiko for bakteriel kontaminering.
Louis viste jo allerede i 1960erne, at dårlig vin og øl, der var spontantgæret skyldes tilstedeværende bakterier (bl.a. acidobacter) som interfererede ved den spontane gæring – og hvem ønsker en drikke en vin, der reelt set blot er fortyndet vineddike eller vin med et højt eddikesyreindhold.

Denne risiko for spolerende bakterier indblanding i gæringen er elimineret her ved brug af en blanding af rene stammer af Saccharomyces cer. , samtidig med at forskellige stammers evne til dannelse af sekundære aromastoffer  gøres mere kompleks

Prøv denne “safe”  gæring på din frugt, most, juice og druer, og få en ny og spænedende aromaprofil, der kan minde om en spontant vildgæring UDEN ØDELÆGGENDE BAKTERIER.



Vil du vide mere om valg af gærtyper, sekundære aromastoffer,  spontangæring versus kulturgæring, etc , så lyt til VinoSigns’s første Podcast i serien “Fra Drue til Glas”





IOC DYNAMIX DRY ACTIVE YEAST Freshness and aromatic intensity

A complex mixture of yeasts allowing the terroir and the grapes to express themselves to their full potential, in complete safety


Developed in collaboration with

In collaboration with Inter Rhône, the observation and study of the behaviour of yeasts in pure cultures and complex combinations on grape musts have led to the development of IOC DYNAMIX, a mixture of diversified and complementary yeasts from various vineyards. Allowing several yeasts to be established throughout the fermentation process makes it possible for microbial biodiversity to be expressed, while at the same time avoiding standardisation of wine linked to uncontrolled fermentation defects.


  • Combination of five Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strains (Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5).
  • Killer factor: active K2 (for all yeasts).
  • Resistance to alcohol: 16% vol.
  • Nitrogen requirements: moderate. Nutritionalcomplementation is recommended in certain cases depending on the initial level of assimilable nitrogen.MICROBIOLOGY QUALITIES• Revivable yeasts: > 10 billion cells/g.
    • Microbiological purity: less than 10 wild yeasts per million cells.DOSAGE AND USE

• Ensures regular fermentations between 14°C and 28°C. Avoid temperatures >26°C in case of potential alcohol level >14% vol.

• Lag phase: short.
• Fermentation speed: moderate. • Production of volatile acid: low. • Production of SO2 : very low.

• Dosing rate: 20 to 30 g/hL of must.
• Rehydrate in 10 times its water volume at 37°C. It is highly advisable not to rehydrate the yeast directly into the must and highly

recommended to rehydrate it in a clean container.
• Gently agitate to mix and allow to stand for 20 minutes.
• If needed, let the leaven to become acclimatized to the must temperature as well as to the difference of temperature between the must to

be yeasted and the rehydration conditions.
• The rehydration process must not exceed 45 mn.
• If needed, the yeasts leavened can be at the must T° by introducing gradually the must. The T° difference between musts to be yeasted and

the rehydration place must not exceed 10°C.


• Polyethylene laminated bags of 500 g vacuum packed.
• Store in a cool and dry place. When open, the product must be quickly used.

VinoSigns har direkte import fra IOC i Epernay, og er eneforhandler i Danmark af IOC’s mange specialprodukter til fremstilling af cider og mousserende vine, så som Sucraisin dosagevæske “Sucraisin”,  Flere typer gærnæring “Activit”, “Activit O”, Activit NAT”, og Activit AD”, klarerings- og riddlingsmidler “Clarifiant XL” og “Clarifiant S”, anti-bøkser midlet “Solution ST”, Prise de Mousse hjælpemidlet “Extra PM” samt Charmat gær “IOC Fizz”, og “IOC Fizz+”., og selvfølgelig den originale champagnegær “IOC 18-2007” – bestseller hos vinopSigns. 

IOC hjemmeside med oversigt over alle de professionelle produkter som VinoSigns kan levere som eneforhandler for IOC i Skandinavien: https://ioc.eu.com/en/oenological-products/

Daniel Pambianchi’s Yeast selection list: http://www.techniquesinhomewinemaking.com/home%20winemaking%20yeast%20strains.html#whichyeastnIOC RØDVINSGÆR FT LEVURE IOC REVELATION TERROIR (EN)

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