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Lallemands Lalvin QA23 gær er endnu en Sacchromycesa cerevesiae var cverevesiae.

LALVIN QA23 champagne-, hvidvins, frugtvin- og cidergær er specielt kendt for sit høje indhold af enzymet beta-glucosidase, der frigør vigtige aromastoffer bundet i glucosidbindinger til sukkerstoffer. Endvidere kan QA23 gære selv ved lavere temperaturer helt ned til 10 grader Celcius.

LALVIN QA23 er en fortrinlig gærtypåe til især frugtvin og cider grundet sitr høje indhold af betas-glucosidase, der sikre høj grad af frugtaroma og friskhed.

LALVIN QA23 forhandles i pakninger af 125 gram i  vakumfoliepakning men kan også på bestilling skaffes hjem i 500 gram pakninger. VinoSigns forhandler andre mængder af QA23 gram i hygiejniske og robuste plastik-container velegnet til opbevaring i køleskab eller i fryser (-20) for længere tid holbarhed. Spørgs efter 50 gram, 100 gram, 200 gram QA23 i Kartell beholder 2 kr/gram excl. emballage 
Spørg efter rabat på bulk-køb fra 1000 gram og opefter.

Her uddrag fras Lallamands Datablad for QA23 gæren: 
For fresh, fruit focused whites – A clean fermenter, rated highly in thiol conversion for optimum varietal expression. High in β-glucosidases to help aromatic expression.
Also used for fruit wine and cider production.
Selected in Portugal from the area of the appellation of Vinhos Verdes by the University of Tras os Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD) in co-operation with the Viticultural Commission of the Region Vinhos Verdes.

Powerpoint præsentation fra ERFA Molusse Sjælland møde 29.4.-2021 om “Malolaktisk gæring af sure vine” (Hvidvin, Frugtvin og Cider): ERFA Mousse Sjælland Zoom 29.4.2021 FINAL – Skrivebeskyttet – Skrivebeskyttet [Skrivebeskyttet]


Lalvin QA23® has a very high β-glucosidase activity, enzymes which help cleave non-volatile aromatic compounds into their volatile state. Hence this yeast contributes to varietal / terroir fruit expression.

It is known to enhance citrus fruit type aromas including lime and grapefruit. Given many terpenes are bound to glucosides, the use of Lalvin QA23® in varieties high in terpenes such as Riesling is highly recommended.

This yeast is also a proven thiol converter, hence excellent thiol expression is achieved. Its use for Sauvignon Blanc is therefore highly recommended.

A very reliable, clean fermenter, Lalvin QA23® respects varietal fruit character, with minimal yeast flavour contribution. Depending on the terrior, some ester production has been reported.

Known for its Reliability and Robustness, Lalvin QA23® tends to ferment well in clarified juice, low in nutrients. In addition. its ability to ferment at relatively low temperatures makes it an ideal choice for the making of many white wines. The fructophilic yeast, hence tends to ferment well at the end of fermentation.

The Lalvin QA23® is one of the leading Riesling yeast in Australia, where it produces elegant, well structured, cool climate Rieslings.

The Lalvin QA23® yeast, was selected from nature, and has since been improved using the Lallemand proprietary process called YSEO®.

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Datasheet for  Lalvin QA23 champagne-, hvidvins- , frugtvins- og cidergær (Saccharomyces cerevesaie var. cerevesiae) : Lalvin QA23 Specification

OVERSIGT skema for Lallemand gærtyper og deres egenskabere og anvendelsesområde: Lallemand-Quick-Yeast-References-Chart_2018_LR

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