6,25 DKK

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Lalvin C er en maloethanolsk Champagne-, Hvidvins- og Cidergær ideel for “Cold Climate” fermentering.
Denne maloethanoliske Sacch. cer. var. bayanus gær kan omsætte op til 45% af tilstedeværende æblesyre til ethanol.

Malic acid decomposition in yeast can occur via the malic enzyme or via fumarase to yield either ethanol or succinate. 

Malic acid decomposition in yeast can occur via the malic enzyme or via fumarase to yield either ethanol or succinate. 

Helpakke 500 gram 450 kr excl moms
BULK køb > 1 kg gives rabat 10%
Pris pr. gram afvejet 5.00 kr  exil moms

NB !!!
Lalvin C kan på bestille også laves i Kartell plastbeholder med 50 g, 100 g , og 200 grams indhold

Læs her mere om hvordan en malkoethanolisk gæring virker, og hvorfor den er specielt velegnet til Cold Climate vine

MALOETHANOLIC YEAST Biological-deacidification FINAL

MALOETHANOLIC FERMENTATION – Curr20Genetics20-20Malo-ethanolic20fermentation20in20Saccharomyces202003

Se også dette link til Lallemand interaktive hjemmeside: for Lalleman gær sortiment: https://www.lallemandwine.com/en/australia/products/catalogue/

Se også speciel her om “Cold Climate” Maloethanolisk fermentering ved høj æblesyreindhold: https://www.lallemandwine.com/en/australia/vintage-2017-low-sugar-but-high-malic-acids/

Lalvin C kan bruges til både grundvin, mousserende vin og cider fremstillet ved både flaskegæring, Charmat tryktanksgæring og til PET-NAT gæring.

Dosage:; 25g/hL
Adaptation: Pied de Cuvée (PDC) adaptation over 4-5 dage 
anbefales ved start 2. gæring på sure (pH=2,9-3,1) grundvine
Se adaptionsprotekollerne her:
Bruno’ Gæradaptation FINALFINAL til Moussevin 2. gæring
Daniel´s Gæradaptation FINAL til Moussevin 2. gæring 

Gæringstemperatur: 15-30 grader C – Ideel gæringstemperatur er 18 grader.
Lav sulfit (SO2) producer
Lav H2S producer
Alkohol tolerance 16%vol.
Hurtig lag-fase
Fremmer frugtnoter og esterdannelse., specielt isoamyl ester.


Clean, reliable fermenter for fresh fruity white styles. Partial degradation of malic acid favours acid softness.

A yeast selected from the Pasteur Institute Yeast Culture Collection, Lalvin C is a French wine region isolate that has been used in winemaking since the early 1960’s. Suited for a wide range of winemaking applications, particularly for production of fresh and fruity white wine styles, as well as early release fruit driven red wines and wines made by carbonic maceration. Lalvin C is known to produce varying amounts of the ester amyl acetate. A clean fermenter that enhances the varietal character of the fruit. Can degrade up to 45% L-malic acid.

Souvignier Gris

Sauvignon blanc

An isolate from the Pasteur Institute- France

Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. bayanus
Competitive Factor
General Sensory Contribution
Enhances varietal aromas and esters


Lalvin C – An ideal  cold climate Champagne yeast (bayanus)


A maloethanolic Saccharomyces cer. var. Bayanus
Softens high malic acid grapes

Yeast for use in cool climate wines high in malic acid, cider, fruit wines, restarting stuck fermentations, and secondary fermentation in sparkling wines. Lalvin C has the ability to partially degrade malic acid (up to 45%).

A strain selected from the collection of the Pasteur Institute, Paris
Originally isolated from a French wine region, Lalvin C has been used in winemaking since the early 1960’s.
Technical Datasheet: Lalvin C Bayanus yeast
Declaration sheet: Lavin C Declaration EU.pdf
Specification sheet:Lalvin C specification

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